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Exercise and your Diet are a Package Deal
Are you working out like mad and not seeing the results you want?
Are you getting discouraged because you are "dieting" and not losing any weight?
The answers to those two questions might be yes, but here is the loaded question
Are you Exercising AND Eating healthy?
If you are training properly but you are snacking too much or eating packaged foods you cannot expect to look like you are healthy and fit. The fuel you are feeding your body is poor. If what you put inside your body is poor quality, the outside will reflect the same. Think about your car. If your car requires premium gasoline and you put in the lo-grade stuff it will not run as well. Ask yourself this question...Why do I take better care of my car than I do my body?
Our bodies do not recognize most of the chemicals and fillers in processed and packaged foods as food. It reacts to them as if they are toxic, causing inflammation, indigestion, and alteration of the body's metabolism. Isn't that a kicker, you are eating a packaged "low fat snack" so you can lose weight and it is probably messing up your metabolism, making it harder for you to lose weight than if you just ate an apple or a handful of nuts.
Another reason you may not be losing the weight you are looking to drop is because you are not eating enough calories and your body is starvation mode. Many people want to believe this is what's happening to them, but truth be told they are just fooling themselves. If you think this is your issue try this. Write down EVERY single morsel you put in your mouth each day for an entire week. And I mean EVERYTHING!! When you walk past the candy dish and pick two swedish fish and pop them into your mouth, write it down, when you are making the kids lunch and packing them goldfish and pop 5 or 10 in your mouth write it down. That stuff adds up. So if you find yourself in this boat do not stick your head in the sand and say "oh, I must not be consuming enough calories" , own it!! your body may be in starvation mode but it is not from lack of calories it is from lack of NUTRITION.
If you want your body to look smooth, tone and have a healthy glow you must feed it high quality protein, fats and yes even a few carbs.
This week is Halloween and there will be leftover candy galore, it will be at home, it will be at the office. It will be on counters at places you frequent. A little piece here and a little piece there adds up. So do NOT sabotage yourself this week. When you want to eat that snickers "snack size" bar ......STOP and think, I worked my butt off today at the gym and my body deserves GOOD fuel, not this junk! And then step away from the candy dish. It will be hard but your body will thank you for it.
Right about now you may be asking "What am I supposed to be eating?" Just keep this chart below handy, Pick which body type on the right side that you want and eat what the left side says. Then turn that eating style into a habit not just a 21 day challenge or a 3 month diet or a 60 day fad. It's a lifestyle, make it a healthy one. You've got one body to carry you around on this earth, take care of it!!
Be well
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