The Mind Body Connection |
Sit for a moment and get quiet. Close your eyes and just focus on your breath. Easy breaths in and easy breaths out. Think of a time when someone hurt you or angered you, maybe even disappointed you. FEEL how your body reacts to these thoughts. Does your body feel good? Probably not. It probably feels dense, heavy, sluggish, you may have even started slumping forward. You may feel like you want to jump out of your own skin. Now CANCEL those thoughts because nobody needs to dwell on that negative s_ _ _!
Now close your eyes get quiet and start to focus on your breaths again. Easy breath in and easy breath out. Think of something that made you happy or feel loved and cherished. It could be when someone complimented you, or when a loved one hugged you, maybe a pet and their unconditional love when you walk through the door. Maybe its your own pride over a job or task you did really well. Sit with those feelings and see how your body feels now. I bet it feels better than before. Maybe it feels light, airy, open, free. You might even be sitting up straighter with your chest puffed out a little.
If just thinking of something can have an effect like that on your body, you cannot deny that there is a connection between the mind and the body. And quite frankly we are bombarded by both good and not so good stuff all day every day. Sometimes there are things in life outside of our control that we just have to roll with. But do not dwell on the bad stuff it will bring you down. So you might be asking yourself what does this have to do with exercise, she usually writes about working out. Well here's the punchline folks. If you go into a workout telling yourself you are going to hate it, it is going to be uncomfortable and maybe even painful, what messages are you sending to your body? They do not sound like positive messages to me. So try giving yourself some positive thoughts and ideas when you hit the gym, fitness class or go out for a run. Try telling yourself things body feels good after my workout, I am getting stronger, exercising makes me more confident, my body feels more limber . Just don't lie to yourself. If you really do not like exercising do not tell yourself "I love to exercise" your mind is smarter than that and will know you are lying, it won't believe you anyway.
Just start slow with some positive thoughts and statements about exercise and see how it goes.
There is plenty of research that shows that exercise improves moods and mental health. In a nutshell the science behind it is that exercise does two things. First, exercise increases your feel good hormones called "neurotransmitters" . These are the chemicals that tell your brain and your body to feel good and happy. Second, exercise decreases cortisol levels. Cortisol is the "stress hormone". So when you are stressed out and your levels are high exercise can help you lower them naturally. Leaving you feeling more relaxed and at ease.
Just as the saying goes "You are what you eat" the same can be said about "You are what you think" so start thinking about positive things, what makes you happy, proud, satisfied with life, Think about those things when you are sweating your butt off, it will make the time go faster and be more enjoyable. It may also have the people around you at the gym look at you very curiously....but let them wonder. Just keep smiling!!
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